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On Sale

ReelDV Price$3,546.00

Vegas 5 video and audio editing software, plus DVD Architect 2 for DVD authoring. In addition, the package includes Screenblast ACID for royalty-free music creation, and Vision Series Vol. I 3D Textures and Backdrops.

List $899.95
ReelDV Price$599


On Sale

ReelDV Price$4,900.00

Memberships Pass

currently free

Film Festivals Pass

To access the Film Festival Archives you will need a "Festival Pass" The cost is $75.00 per year or $10.00 per month

Technology Pass

To Access the Technology Archives Files you will need an "Technology Pass" The cost is $75 per year or $10.00 per month.

ReelDVU Pass

The How To's Are part of the ReelDVU Online Learning Academy, As a Registered User you have access to the Video Files on a pay per view basis. Future membership will be an annual fee of $100.00 plus a discount on Downloads


This will be a secure area where motion picture studio distributors can view films seeking distribution. And a seperate public area for film makers to promote their trailers.

We also have deals with Theatre owners to have your movie screened the Independent way.

Movie trailers Hosting fees:

$20.00 per month for up to 2 minutes any category 1meg file windows or Quicktime formats only (Secured for studio viewing only)

$40.00 per month for up to 5 minutes any category 2meg file windows or Quictime formats only (Secured for studio viewing only)

$75.00 per month for up to 10 minutes any category 4meg file windows or Quictime formats only (Secured for studio viewing only)


New York Video Pages™

Hollywood Video Pages™

This area is a Video Directory of Infomercials and Commercials of Products and Services, hosting fees vary on length and type of business.

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Media 4 Concepts LLC

P.O.Box 20374

Park West Financial Station

New York NY 10025

Attn: Al Salas ReelDV.com

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email update@ReelDV.com

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