Special Events 2000
Down Town Disney and its team of Operating Participants, do an official Grand Opening in conjunction with The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
(Click on Photo for video to download)
Steven J. Cannel raises his GAIT Life Time Achievment Award, proudly, It signifies, Twenty Five years of hard work Says Steven. Now Writers and Producers can get tips from Steven in this Exclusive interview. We asked Steven what his thoughts were on The Internet and television becoming one. Click on video for the answers.
Alan Brody had a big turnout at this years California opening debut of eTVworld. Held at the Lowes Hotel in Santa Monica California. Take a look at some of the dot coms of the interactive television convention. If you missed eTVworld west, be sure to catch eTVworld in New York Sept. 19-21 at the Javits Convention Center in New York. Attendees, sponsors and exhibitors visit www.etvworld.com 800-273-2832 Click on Photo for video to download)
(Click on Photo for video to download)
CEO Jeff Stern used Digital Hollywood as a Platform to Launch Lineup.com. Jeff talks about the questions on most peoples minds; which is king, Content or Distribution? Could lineup.com pull it off and be the next TV GUIDE. Goto the video and find out what Jeff Stern has to say. (Click on Photo for video to download)
Stay Tuned for More Events
President and Executive Director of the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences Jim Charne had a terrific turn out at this years awards ceremonies as Martin Short hosted the event. Click on photo to see and hear some of this years winners.
(Click on Photo for video to download)